Friday, April 5, 2013

Contoh Struktur Organisasi Divisional: Coca-Cola Company

The Coca-Cola Company has a corporate (Head Office) segment that is responsible for giving the Company an overall direction and providing support to the regional structure.

Key strategic decisions at The Coca-Cola Company are made by an Executive Committee of 12 Company Officers. This Committee helped to shape the six strategic priorities set out earlier. The Chair of the Executive Committee acts as a figurehead for the Company and chairs the board meetings. He is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and as such he is the senior decision maker. Other executives are responsible either for the major regions (e.g. Africa) or have an important business specialism e.g. the Chief Financial Officer.

As a company whose success rests on its ability to connect with local consumers, it makes sense for The Coca-Cola Company to be organised into a regional structure which combines centralisation and localisation. The Company operates six geographic operating segments - also called Strategic Business Units (SBUs) - as well as the corporate (Head Office) segment.

Each of these regional SBUs is sub-divided into divisions. Take the European union, SBU, for example. The UK fits into the Northwest Europe division. This geographical structure recognises that:
  • markets are geographically separated
  • tastes and lifestyles vary from area to area. As do incomes and consumption patterns
  • markets are at different stages of development.

At a more local level the management of The Coca-Cola Company involves a number of functional specialisms. The management structure for Great Britain illustrates this.
The structure of Coca-Cola Great Britain combines elements of centralisation and decentralisation. Divisions and regions operate as business unit teams, with each Director reporting to the General Manager, i.e. Division President.

However, there is a matrix structure for each function e.g. the Finance Director in the GB Division reports to the GB President, but also to (dotted line) the Finance Director of North West Europe Division. In addition, functions within the Company operate across geographical boundaries to share best practice.

To take another example of local decision making at a regional (local) level the various SBUs are responsible for region-specific market research, and for developing local advertising, e.g. using the languages of the countries in which The Coca-Cola Company operates. A major region like Great Britain has its own marketing structure, organised as shown on the diagram.

Product support

The way The Coca-Cola Company works reflects the many countries and cultures in which it does business. It owns or licences nearly 400 brands in non-alcoholic beverages serving consumers in over 200 countries. An essential part of the organisation's structure therefore focuses on ensuring that individual products are given the best possible support in regional markets.
Within the Company, different teams concentrate on particular products and use their specialist knowledge of the brands and consumer needs to support the sales and promotional effort. In some cases a product is developed solely for local consumption and an example of this is the product Lilt, which is only available in Great Britain and Ireland.
Examples of other products available in Great Britain include:
  • Carbonated soft drinks- Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite
  • Juice & juice drinks- Schweppes' Tomato Juice Cocktail, Oasis, Five Alive
  • Waters- Malvern
  • Energy drinks- Burn
  • Sports drinks- Powerade
  • Squashes/cordials- Kia-Ora, Rose's Lime Cordial.

Contoh Struktur Organisasi Matrix: Starbucks

Starbucks is structured under a matrix system which is an “organizational form in which there are multiple lines of authority and some individuals report to at least two managers.”  Because Starbucks is an international company, we can actually categorize its structure as worldwide matrix.  In July 2011, the company announced a new structure that includes three-regions, each of which is headed by a president who answers to Starbucks Global.  The regional division will be as follows:
  •  China and Asia Pacific = All Asia Pacific markets and China
  • Americas = United States, Canada, Mexico, and Latin America
  • EMEA = Europe, U.K., Middle East, Russia, and Africa

The president of each region will be responsible for working with all licensed Starbucks stores as well as joint ventures within the organization.  They will also be working closely with Starbucks Global Consumer Products and Food Service Team in order to continue to be successful.  Regional managers will allow the company to meet consumer-specific needs in each region while maintaining the overall mission of Starbucks – “to inspire and nurture the human spirit-one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.”

While it successfully operates under a matrix structure, the company also has a divisional structure as far as its products are concerned.  All products are grouped under the Starbucks company umbrella, but products are divided into five main groups:
  1. Coffee: 30+ blends and single-origin premium Arabica coffees
  2. Handcrafted Beverages: fresh-brewed coffee, hot and cold beverages, Frappuccino, smoothies, and Tazo teas
  3. Merchandise: brewing equipment, mugs and accessories, packaged goods, music, and books
  4. Fresh Food: baked pastries, sandwiches, salads, oatmeal, yogurt parfaits, and fruit cups
  5. Consumer Products: coffee – whole bean and ground, instant coffee, and ice cream

Interestingly enough, Starbucks implements a divisional structure for its product line while using an international matrix system for its corporate structure.  With divisions within divisions, it truly is amazing how well this company runs and how successful it is. 


Contoh Struktur Organisasi Fungsional: BCA Card Center Surabaya

1. Gambaran Umum Perusahaan
BCA Card Centrre Cabang Surabaya merupakan cabang kedua dari empat kantor cabang yang dimiliki oleh BCA Card Centre di Indonesia. Sebagai cabng yang kedua, BCA Card Centre Cabang Surabaya secara resmi mulai beroperasi pada bulan April tahun a992, dimana pendiriannya mengacu pada dasar hukum atas kegiatan usaha institusi kartu kredit yang pada umumnya dikeluarkan oleh bank-bank Indonesia.
Sedangkan dasar hukumnya diataur di dalam pasal 6 huruf “I” Undang-Undang no.7 tahun 1992 tentang Perbankan yang berbunyi :
-Usaha Bank meliputi melakukan kegiatan anjak piutang, usaha kartu kredit dan kegiatan wali amanat”.
Selain itu, pendirian BCA Card Centre Cabang Suarabaya juga mengacu pada pokok-pokok Paket Deregulasi Bidang Keuangan dan Perbankan tanggal 27 Oktober 1988 (PAKTO 27) nomor II angka “1″ mengenai kemudahan pembukaan kantor baik, dimana  di dalamnya dijelaskan pada huruf “C”, yaitu : “Untuk pembukaan kantor cabang dapat dilakukan cukup dengan memberitahukan kepada Bank Indonesia”.
2. Struktur Organisasi

struktur orgasnisasi
Adapun tugas dan tanggung jawab dari masing-masing bagian dapat di uraikan sebagai berikut :
  • Branch Manager
a. Bertanggung jawab atas kemajuan perusahaan.
b. Bertanggung jawab kepada pimpinan pusat.
c. Mempunyai wewenang tertinggi dalam pengambilan keputusan.
d. Mengkoordinasi dan mengawasi pelaksanaan pekerjaan masing-masing bagian yang ada dalam perusahaan.
  • Sekretaris
a. Membantu Branch Manager dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya.
b. Menangani masalah-masalah kesekretariatan, seperti surat-menyurat, file, dan sebagainya.
  • Marketing Unit Head
a. Bertanggung jawab atas seluruh pekerjaan yang ada di bagian/unit pemasaran.
b. Mengkoordinasikan dan mengawasi bagian-bagian yang ada pada bagian/unit pemasaran agar dapat bekerja sesuai dengan tujuan perusahaan.
  • Marketing Cardholder
Bertugas untuk menawarkan atau mempromosikan BCA Card ke perusahaan-perusahaan agar mau memiliki BCA Card.
  • Marketing Merchant
Bertugas untuk menawarkan atau mempromosikan BCA Card dengan mendatangi toko-toko atau pedagang agar mau menerima pembayaran dengan menggunakan BCA Card.
  • Marketing Support
Bagian dalam yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengurusio administrasi.
  • Customer Service
Bertugas untuk melayani pelanggan/konsumen yang datang langsung ke BCA Card Centre ataupun yang melalui telepon.
  • Credit
a. Bertanggung jawab atas seluruh pekerjaan yang ada di bagian kredit.
b. Mengkoordinasi dan mengawasi bagian-bagian yang ada pada bagian kredit sesuai dengan tujuan perusahaan.
  • Analisa Kredit
Bertugas menganalisa setiap permohonan/aplikasi yang masuk ke BCA Card Centre.
  • Pengawasan Kredit
Bertugas untuk mengecek tagihan yang masuk ke BCA Card Centre dan mengawasi kartu-kartu kredit.
  • Penagihan Kredit
Bertugas untuk mengurusi pembayaran Cardholder dengan cara menelpon atau menagih secara langsung.
  • Risk dan Management Security
Bertugas untuk membantu bagian pengawasan dan penagihan kredit (karena ketiga-tiganya saling berkaitan).
  • Operational Unit Head
a. Bertanggung jawab atas seluruh pekerjaan yang ada di bagian/unit operasional. agar dapat bekerja sesuai dengan tujuan perusahaan.
b. Mengkoordinasi dan mengawasi bagian-bagian yang ada pada bagian/unit operasional agar dapat bekerja sesuai dengan tujuan perusahaan.
  • Kasie Operasional
-Bertanggung jawab kepada Operasional Unit Head.
-Mengawasi tugas-tugas dari Staff Operational I dan Staff Operational II.
  • Staff Operational I dan Staff Operational II
Bertugas untuk mengoperasikan/memproses faktur-faktur yang masuk ke BCA Card Centre.
  • Kolektor
Bertugas untuk mengambil faktur di toko-toko atau pedagang yang menerima pembayaran dengan BCA Card.

Perusahaan Multinasional

Perusahaan bisnis multi nasional adalah perusahaan yang memiliki beberapa pabrik yang berdiri di negara yang berbeda-beda. Penyesuaian dengan budaya di tiap negara yang dimasuki adalah suatu keharusan untuk dapat bertahan dan sukses. Dengan mendirikan banyak unit produksi di negara lain diharapkan dapat menghemat biaya ongkos produksi dan distribusi produk hingga sampai ke tangan konsumen akhir.

Perusahaan multinasional atau PMN adalah perusahaan yang berusaha di banyak negara, perusahaan ini biasanya sangat besar. Perusahaan seperti ini memiliki kantor-kantor, pabrik atau kantor cabang di banyak negara. Mereka biasanya memiliki sebuah kantor pusat di mana mereka mengkoordinasi manajemen global.
Perusahaan multinasional yang sangat besar memiliki dana yang melewati dana banyak negara. Mereka dapat memiliki pengaruh kuat dalam politik global, karena pengaruh ekonomi mereka yang sangat besar bagai para politisi, dan juga sumber finansial yang sangat berkecukupan untuk relasi masyarakat dan melobi politik.
Karena jangkauan internasional dan mobilitas PMN, wilayah dalam negara, dan negara sendiri, harus berkompetisi agar perusahaan ini dapat menempatkan fasilitas mereka (dengan begitu juga pajak pendapatan, lapangan kerja, dan aktivitas eknomi lainnya) di wilayah tersebut. Untuk dapat berkompetisi, negara-negara dan distrik politik regional seringkali menawarkan insentif kepada PMN, seperti potongan pajak, bantuan pemerintah atau infrastruktur yang lebih baik atau standar pekerja dan lingkungan yang memadai.
PMN seringkali memanfaatkan subkontraktor untuk memproduksi barang tertentu yang mereka butuhkan.Perusahaan multinasional pertama muncul pada 1602 yaitu Perusahaan Hindia Timur Belanda yang merupakan saingan berat dari Perusahaan Hindia Timur Britania.
 Salah satu Perusahaan Multinasional yang bergerak di bidang kafe ataupun gerai-gerai pangan adalah Dunkin’ Donuts, atau yang lebih akrab disingkat dengan sebutan DD.
Dunkin’ Donuts sendiri mulai masuk ke Indonesia pada tahun 1985, dengan gerai pertamanya di Jl. Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Pusat. Sebenarnya, Dunkin’ Donuts bukan merupakan perusahaan donut multinasional pertama yang masuk ke Indonesia.  Di tahun 1968, American Donut merupakan perintis donat pertama yang digoreng dengan mesin otomatis di Pekan Raya Jakarta. Selain membuka gerainya di  pekan raya,  American Donut juga membuka gerainya di berbagai tempat di Jakarta. Selain itu, masih ada perusahaan-perusahaan multinasional donut lainnya yang juga berusaha mengimbangi gerak Dunkin’ Donuts, seperti Country Style Donuts asal Kanada, Donuts Xpress asal Australia, Krispy Kreme yang juga berasal dari AS, serta masih banyak lagi perusahaan-perusahaan donut lainnya.
Meskipun demikian, Dunkin’ Donuts-lah yang dinilai paling berhasil dalam meluaskan jaringan pasarnya di Indonesia, bahkan di dunia.Dunkin’ Donuts telah berhasil membuka lebih dari 8.800 gerai  donatnya di lebih dari 35 negara di berbagai benua. Di Indonesia sendiri Dunkin’ Donuts telah membuka 200 gerai lebih di kota-kota besar di seluruh Indonesia, seperti Medan, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Bali, Surabaya, Makassar, Jakarta, dan kota-kota lainnya di Indonesia. Dunkin’Donuts telah berhasil menjadi model dalam hal pelayanan serta konsep gerai yang dimilikinya. Bahkan Dunkin’Donuts terkadang dianggap sebagai bayang-bayang bagi perusahaan donut lainnya. Di Jogjakarta, Dunkin’ Donuts telah merambah ke mall-mall, swalayan serba ada, jalan-jalan di malioboro, hingga ke bookstore-bookstore seperti Gramedia.
Kembali kepada isu mengenai MNC yang mengundang banyak polemik dari berbagai kalangan, terutama mengenai kehadirannya di Negara-Negara Dunia Ketiga. Perusahaan-perusahaan Multinasional dianggap sebagai ancaman bagi usaha-usaha lokal di negara tempat ia berada. Namun, meskipun demikian, pemerintah negara-negara tersebut tetap saja saling berlomba-lomba (bidding wars) untuk menarik investor agar mau menanamkan modalnya di negara mereka dalam bentuk Foreign Direct Investment. Kehadiran MNC terkadang memang membawa keuntungan dan kerugian. Hal inilah yang menjadi perdebatan antara pihak-pihak yang pro dan kontra atas kehadiran Perusahaan Multinasional di negara mereka.
Pihak yang kontra berpendapat bahwa Perusahaan Multinasional dalam praktiknya membawa lebih banyak kerugian daripada keuntungan bagi negara mereka. Salah satu isu yang paling kontroversial mengenai kehadiran MNC—terutama di negara-negara berkembang—adalah isu mengenai outsourcing. Selain itu, terkadang kedaulatan nasioal juga tergadaikan dengan adanya upaya MNC untuk masuk ke dalam negara tersebut. Upaya alih teknologi yang pada mulanya diisukan sebagai keunggulan dari masuknya perusahaan multinasional di negara-negara berkembang ternyata tidak terbukti. Di samping itu, masih banyak lagi reaksi-reaksi negatif lainnya yang bermunculan akibat masuknya perusahaan multinasional di negara-negara dunia ketiga.
Namun, terkadang orang menjadi lupa bahwa kehadiran Perusahaan Multinasional sebenarnya tidak hanya membawa dampak yang negatif saja bagi negara penerima. Selain membawa modal asing dan pemasukan berupa pajak, MNC sebenarnya juga membawa dampak positif lainnya. Perbincangan mengenai MNC tidak akan berkembang jika hanya mengenai dampak negatif yang dibawa oleh MNC saja. Kehadiran MNC sebenarnya bisa menjadi stimulus bagi berkembangnya usaha-usaha lokal sejenis yang ada bagi negara penerima. Salah satu contoh kasus yang disajikan dalam tulisan ini adalah kehadiran Dunkin’Donuts yang memacu hadirnya usaha-usaha donut lokal seperti J.CO, I-Crave, Java Donut, dan lain sebagainya.
Dengan menggunakan studi kasus yang ada, tulisan ini diarahkan untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan berikut: “Bagaimana masuknya Dunkin’Donuts di Indonesia?” Apa dan bagaimana pengaruh kehadirannya di Indonesia? Serta bagaimana dampak Dunkin’Donuts terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan usaha-usaha lokal?”  Dengan mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, tulisan ini berusaha memberikan pemikiran yang positif bahwa kesempatan untuk memperoleh keuntungan Ekonomi-Politik Internasional melalui kegiatan Multinational Corporations tidak hanya dimiliki oleh negara-negara ekonomi maju. Akan tetapi, negara-negara berkembang juga dapat mengupayakan hal yang sama melalui MNC.


  1. As the tasks of organization become increasingly complex, the organization must be departmentalized, or subdivided into smaller units.
    1. Line departments are responsible for activities that directly involve the organization's product or service, either its creation or getting it to the consumer. They are responsible for the principal activities of the firm.
    2. Staff departments provide specialized or professional skills that support line departments
  2. There are three basic approaches to departmentalization: functional, divisional, and matrix.
    1. In a functional organization jobs are specialized and grouped according to business function and the skills they require.

      1. A functional organization can be organized around a firm's value chain.
        1. The value chain depicts the relationships among separate activities that are performed to create a product or service.
      2. The functional form is a traditional approach and has several potential advantages.
      3. Economies of scale can be gained through the grouping of similar jobs.
        1. The environment can be monitored effectively because each group is on top of developments in their own field.
        2. Performance standards can be maintained through employee training and because employees share a concern for their jobs.
        3. Employees have greater opportunities for specialization and in-depth skill development.
        4. Technical specialists are relatively free of administrative work.
        5. Decision making and lines of communication are simple and clearly understood.
      4. Several disadvantages of this approach are:
        1. People may be loyal to their function and not the company, or may lose focus on the product by focusing in their functional task.
        2. Specialists may have trouble communicating across functions.
        3. There may also be slow responses to the market place.
      5. Cross functional coordination is essential for total quality management.
  3. In the divisional organization all functions are grouped into a single division, and functions are duplicated across all of the divisions.
    1. In the product division organization, all functions that contribute to a given product are organized under one manager.
      1. The product approach offers a number of advantages.
        1. Information needs are managed more easily because there is a reduced need for information. Groups need only worry about one product.
        2. Employees have a full-time commitment to a particular product line and understand how their job fits into the big picture.
        3. Task responsibilities are clear and managers are independent and accountable.
        4. Employees receive broader training and develop a wide variety of skills.
      2. Disadvantages of the product approach also exist.
        1. There may be difficulty in coordinating across product lines and divisions.
        2. Managers do not develop functional expertise.
        3. Departments, which are necessary for each division, are duplicated in each division.
        4. Delegation must be managed properly.

      1. In customer or geographical departmentalization, structures are based on groups of customers or around geographical distinctions.
      2. The advantage is the ability to focus on customer service.
      3. The disadvantage comes from duplication of activities.

  4. Matrix organizations are a hybrid form of organization where functional and divisional forms overlap, resulting in a dual line of command where employees and managers report to two superiors.
    Matrix Organization Structure
    1. The major advantage is the high degree of flexibility and adaptability that the structure affords organizations operating in uncertain environments.
    2. The major disadvantage stems from the fact that employees report to two superiors, which violates the unity-of-command principle.
    3. Managers can avoid the problems linked to the dual line of command by utilizing some key behavioral skills. These skills involve balancing the demands of and establishing collaboration between product and functional orientations.
    4. The matrix form has become popular again in the 1990s. The reasons for this surge in popularity are related to pressures to consolidate costs and be faster to market, creating a need for better coordination across functions and a need for coordination across countries for firms with global business strategies.

dunkin donuts franchising, & joint venture

Dunkin’ Brands Group, Inc. operates as a franchisor of quick service restaurants (QSRs) serving hot and cold coffee and baked goods, as well as hard serve ice cream. The company franchise restaurants under its Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin-Robbins brands. It has approximately 17,400 points of distribution in 55 countries. The company operates its business in four segments, Dunkin' Donuts U.S., Dunkin' Donuts International, Baskin-Robbins International and Baskin-Robbins U.S. As of December 29, 2012, there were 10,479 Dunkin' Donuts points of distribution, of which 7,306 were in the U.S. and 3,173 were international, and 6,980 Baskin-Robbins points of distribution, of which 4,517 were international and 2,463 were in the U.S. Brands Dunkin’ Donuts—U.S.: Dunkin’ Donuts is a U.S. QSR concept, which offers coffee, donut, bagel, muffin, and breakfast sandwich categories. The company has alternative points of distribution, such as full- or self-service kiosks in grocery stores, hospitals, airports, offices and other smaller-footprint properties. Baskin-Robbins—U.S.: Baskin-Robbins is the QSR chain in the U.S. for servings of hard-serve ice cream and develops and sells a range of frozen ice cream treats, such as cones, cakes, sundaes, and frozen beverages. International operations The company’s international business is primarily conducted via joint ventures and country or territorial license arrangements with master franchisees, who both operate and sub-franchise the brand within their licensed areas. The company’s international business is organized by brand and by country and/or region. Operations are primarily conducted through master franchise agreements with local operators. In addition, in Japan and South Korea the company has joint ventures with local companies for the Baskin-Robbins brand, and in the case of South Korea, for the Dunkin' Donuts brand as well. The company’s key markets for both brands are predominantly based in Asia and the Middle East. South Korea: In South Korea, the company conducts business through a 33.3% ownership stake in a combination Dunkin' Donuts brand/Baskin-Robbins brand joint venture, with South Korean shareholders owning the remaining 66.7% of the joint venture. The joint venture acts as the master franchisee for South Korea, sub-franchising the Dunkin' Donuts and Baskin-Robbins brands to franchisees. There are 1,020 Baskin-Robbins restaurants and 883 Dunkin' Donuts restaurants located in South Korea as of December 29, 2012. The joint venture also manufactures and supplies the franchisees operating restaurants located in South Korea with ice cream, donuts and coffee products. Japan: The company conducts business in Japan through a 43.3% ownership stake in a Baskin-Robbins brand joint venture. Its partner also owns a 43.3% interest in the joint venture, with the remaining 13.4% owned by public shareholders. There were 1,127 Baskin-Robbins restaurants located in Japan as of December 29, 2012, with the joint venture manufacturing and selling ice cream to franchisees operating restaurants in Japan and acting as master franchisee for the country. Middle East: The company conducts operations in the Middle East through master franchise arrangements. Supply Chain The company’s franchisees' suppliers include Rich Products Corp., Dean Foods Co., The Coca-Cola Company, and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. In addition, its franchisees' primary coffee roasters are New England Tea & Coffee Co., Inc., Mother Parkers Tea & Coffee Inc., S&D Coffee, Inc., and Massimo Zanetti Beverage USA, Inc., and their primary donut mix suppliers are General Mills, Inc., Harlan Foods, and Aryzta. The company’s franchisees also purchase donut mix from CSM Bakery Products NA, Inc. and EFCO Products, Inc. The company and its franchisees depend on suppliers for ingredients, foodstuffs, beverages and disposable serving instruments, including Silver Pail Dairy, Ltd. The company has a long-term agreement with the National DCP, LLC (the NDCP) for the NDCP to provide the goods needed to operate a Dunkin' Donuts restaurant in the U.S. The NDCP also supplies some international markets. Competition The company’s competitors include 7-Eleven, Burger King, Cold Stone Creamery, Dairy Queen, McDonald's, Quick Trip, Starbucks, Subway, Tim Hortons, WaWa and Wendy's. Regulatory Matters The company and franchisees are also subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act and various other laws governing, such matters as minimum wage requirements, overtime and other working conditions and citizenship requirements. Its franchising activities are subject to the rules and regulations of the Federal Trade Commission and various state laws regulating the offer and sale of franchises.

dunkin donuts exporting


Dunkin’Donuts pertama kali masuk ke Indonesia melalui Penanaman Modal Asing Langsungnya dengan membuka perusahaan pertamanya di Jakarta. Dunkin’ Donuts sebelumnya juga telah membuka cabang-cabangnya (franchise) di berbagai negara, seperti negara-negara di Eropa.
Sebelumnya, dengan mengacu pada UU No. 1 Tahun 1967 tentang Penanaman Modal Asing, mari kita lihat terlebih dahulu apa yang dimaksud dengan penanaman modal asing: “Pengertian penanaman modal asing di dalam undang-undang ini hanyalah meliputi penanaman modal asing secara langsung yang dilakukan … berdasarkan ketentuan-ketentuan undang-undang …. dan yang digunakan untuk menjalankan Perusahaan di Indonesia… Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan Modal Asing dalam undang-undang tersebut adalah: “Alat pembayaran luar negeri yang tidak merupakan bagian dari kekayaan devisa Indonesia, yang dengan persetujuan Pemerintah digunakan untuk pembiayaan Perusahaan di Indonesia.” Salah satu bentuk pembiayaan yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan Multinasional di Indonesia adalah dalam bentuk pajak (taxation).
Dunkin’Donuts pada mulanya tumbuh dan berkembang di kota Boston, Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1940 (dengan nama awal Open Kettle). Kemudian perusahaan ini terus tumbuh dan berkembang hingga akhirnya pada tahun 1970, Dunkin’Donuts telah berhasil menjadi perusahaan dengan merek internasional. Kemudian pada tahun 1983 perusahaan Dunkin’Donuts dibeli oleh Domecq Sekutu (Allied Domecq) yang juga membawahi Togo’s dan Baskin Robins. Di bawah  Allied Domecq, perluasan pasar Dunkin’Donuts secara internasional semakin diintensifkan. Hingga akhirnya gerai Dunkin’Donuts tersebar tidak hanya di benua Amerika saja, tetapi juga meluas ke benua-benua seperti  Eropa dan Asia.
Di Indonesia sendiri, Dunkin’ Donuts mulai merambah pasarnya pada tahun 1985 dengan gerai pertama didirikan di Jalan Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Pusat. Khusus wilayah Indonesia, master franchise Dunkin’Donuts dipegang oleh Dunkin’ Donuts Indonesia. Saat pertama kali Dunkin’Donuts membuka gerai pertamanya di Indonesia (pada tahun 1980-an), tidak ada reaksi keras dari masyarakat yang menentang perusahaan tersebut untuk masuk. Masyarakat cenderung menganggap positif atas upaya perusahaan tersebut dalam memperluas jaringan pasarnya. Mereka  justru cenderung merasa senang atas hadirnya Dunkin’Donuts di Indonesia.